Sunday, April 27, 2008

All Alone, What to Do?

I think every Mom must wish to herself "just one day to myself to do what I want to do". Well, today I have been given that day. Tim and Drew are on a "boys road trip" to see Tim's Mom. I am going to California tomorrow for the week, so they went to see the grandparents. So, I'm now all alone with nothing to do.

As previously stated, I've often thought about this moment. But, I was thinking more like only for a few hours so I could get my hair done or go shopping. Not for an entire day:(.

I don't even remember what it was like to not be married and with a baby. It seems those single, non-Mom days were ages ago. What did I used to do all day long? Shop? Watch TV? Maybe. Of course, I was still in school, so I assume I spent all free time most likely studying.

It is SO weird to sit in a quiet house. I should be sleeping or cleaning, or out doing something. But, instead, I'm writing my blog. I did go out for lunch - YEAH, but when I walked back into the house, I expected to walk in hearing Drew and Tim laughing or talking.

All in all, as much as it's nice to have an afternoon to one's self, I miss my family. I'm counting the days until Friday night, when I'm back home and can see my boys!!

And, yes, in case you are wondering, this is the first time that I've been away from Drew for more than about 2 nights. So, I'm being a sentimental Mom :). I swear, I must have called to "check-in" on the boys 10 times already. And, I left Tim with a long list of "how I would take care of Drew" :). He assures me they will all be fine, and I'm sure they will.

Someone should have warned me that becoming a Mom also turns you into an extremely overprotective person, like a mama bear protecting her cubs or something. I'm sure they will both have a great time, and we'll have lots of fun pictures to post next week! I just miss them already :(.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Little Late with These Pics

So, these were from last weekend when the weather was really nice.

I'm making a slobbery mess here, but my eyes are just too gorgeous blue! Mom had to take just 1 more picture :).

Still love playing with hats. This pic is fuzzy, but I just thought it was too cute not to post!

Ummm.....dessert :). I've been trying for 7 months now to do this, and I finally succeeded!!

There are several videos on the right. One is my eating my toes. One is just absolutely hilarious - Tim and Drew playing!!! It's just precious. And, the other is of me and more talking - I can now say dada and bo. If only he would say mama! I think it's just too cute when Drew tries so hard to say something and nothing comes out, he just flaps his little chipmunk cheeks :).

What's New With Us

So, it's been a little while since we posted, so here are some new pics and videos for you all to enjoy. Our little man isn't so "little" anymore. He's now 7 months old!!! It is just crazy that Drew is that old. He's so much fun right now, but at the same time, his "baby" phase is gone and it's a little sad. Our "baby" is now becoming a little boy.

Anyway, here are the pics.

My new favorite thing is playing with hats!! I love Daddy's hats, but of course, I don't want to wear my own :(.

I can't help it, my shirt is correct - I am a handsome man :).

There's a video on the right of me doing more talking. This one is my whiny talking voice, but man - I LOVE daddy's computer :).

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Exciting Weekend!

So, we had a pretty fun weekend a few days ago. I kept hearing that around 6 months, babies will become very active, therefore requiring more food. Well, Drew hit the 6 month mark and nothing. So, I kept thinking, "I guess not my kid". Well, last weekend, that ALL changed.

On Thursday of last week, he was the same little baby as always, nothing new or exciting was happening. On Friday evening, that ALL changed!! He started jumping, rolling over back to front like an old pro (see video), and talking up a storm. Tim and I were just sitting there all weekend, like WOW - who is this child? We'd never seen Drew so active and into everything. It was just hilarious! Here's his little mischievous face.

Before, when we set him in the exercauser, he's play with the toys, but he wouldn't jump or anything. Now, he's like a little animal in there! He's jumping, grabbing all of the toys at once, and just laughing/talking. It is hysterical to watch.

And, he started rolling over from his back to his belly, which is great! But, he's forgotten how to roll from his belly to his back. So, he now flips over and cries because he's "stuck". So, you flip him back over to his back. Not two seconds later, he's on his belly again. I think it's just his new favorite game :).

He's also saying "dadada" about everything! Of course, there's no mention of "mama" in there :(. Tim is dada, all of the toys are dada, everything is dada :). It's just precious. What's really hilarious (as you'll see in the video to the right), is that when Drew starts to get annoyed, he does this little whiny, screaming "dada" talking. The video also gives you a glimpse of his developing little personality.

It's just too cute to watch him change so much. He's trying so hard to scoot/crawl (also a video on this). When he becomes mobile, we are going to be in trouble! He already nearly jumps out of your arms to grab things, so wow - when he can crawl - watch out!!

Anyway, just wanted to share some of our excitement. Drew is SO much fun to be around right now. He just keeps us and himself laughing constantly.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Recent Pics

Here are some recent pictures. Our little man is growing up!

I'm a happy baby.

I scratched my poor little face, but I'm still cute :).