Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Story Continues...

So, after having contractions for hours and then having them stop, I realized that Drew would most likely be arriving soon, so I should get busy! I never had the "nesting instinct" that you hear about, but I did try to finish as much school work as I could. Maybe me doing school work was "nesting"?? - who knows.

So, all day long, nothing. Tim and I just kept about our day. Finally around 3:00pm, I started feeling the same cramping that I had felt the entire night. This time they were right on 15 minutes apart. After about 2 hours, I started wondering "was this it?". I also quickly realized what they meant by "back labor". It felt like the worse back pain ever. But, I had just been through 6 hours of this earlier, so I kept telling myself this was more practice contractions.

Well, now it was about 7:00pm, and we realized the contractions were getting to be 5-7 minutes apart at this point. Once again, been there already today, so hard to get too excited. But, just in case, Tim started getting ready.

By this point, the pain was picking up too. I knew that I was already 3cm from my doctor appointment earlier in the week, so I didn't want to wait at home too long, just in case this was it.

So, now it's about 9:00pm, and yes, we have determined these are definitely contractions and definitely getting stronger and difficult to walk at this point. We decide to call the doctor when the contraction have been 5-7 min apart for almost 2 hours now.

Of course, the DR says "wait until 4-5 min apart, lasting 60 seconds". Well, they weren't. So, now what. They were 5-7 min, anywhere from 40-50 second long. The DR said, do what you want, come in, don't come in, up to you. Well, THAT's helpful!

So, the pain was getting worse. We decided we're going. Worst case, they say go home. But, just in case this was the real thing, I wanted to get to the hospital SOON because I needed drugs!!!

So, I took a shower, we packed the car, and off we went. I must say driving down to the hospital, I didn't really expect to stay. I figured I was in labor, but not consistent enough for the hospital to keep us.

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