Monday, January 1, 2007

Day of Returns

Well, we've finally made it to the bottom of some of our moving boxes - YEAH!! Inside, I found many wedding presents that I had forgotten about - so that was fun!! We also made the executive decision to return some of our dishes in need of other necessities such as towels, kitchen gadgets, bakeware, and cookware. Needless to say, it was the day of Analon. Tim got overexcited about finding all matching kitchen gadgets, cookware, etc., so we ended up buying every last Analon kitchen utensil you can think of. Now, we just have to finish purchasing our cookware, and the kitchen should be complete.

Tim is just happy to have some of the boxes unpacked and all of the bags of goodies to be returned off the kitchen and living room floors. I got on a kick for a few weeks of searching for the perfect bath rug. I must have bought 10 or more rugs from about 3 different stores before I made a decision. Now, you might know that the one place I decided to buy rugs from only has the 1 size in store. But, thankfully, they have other sizes online, so I'm set!

On my list next is the rug for the downstairs bathroom - now that will be a challenge due to matching the shower curtain with the rug. I'll let you know how that turns out. But, hopefully it won't be as difficult as for our bathroom. At least this time I know which stores have the best rugs :).

I'm still on the lookout for our Cusinart toaster. I think it may have gotten lost in the move to Raleigh, who knows. I know we received it for a wedding present, but I don't know where it is. I'll be so excited though when we finally unpack/find that box!!

Well, that's all for now. Just a day full of shopping and returning. We got some good things though, so we're happy about that. Still lots more to go.....but it is a process.

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