Saturday, June 21, 2008

Disney 2008 - Part 2

Ok, so finally, here are the rest of the Disney pics. Sorry for the delay.

I'm ready for swimming.

Pics with Gee (Tim's Mom).

What's this stuff? A big bathtub? Whatever it is, I really, really like it!!

Us with Jennifer and Jeremy.

Drew's first time to sit in a "big boy chair" at a restaurant. He was SO excited!!

Papa and Granny happened to be in Orlando the same time we were for a couple of days. So, Drew enjoyed getting to see them one afternoon.

Drew had a lot of "firsts" on this trip. His first experience with a balloon. He LOVES balloons now. Anytime we see one somewhere, he's fascinated.

At the Animal Kingdom, Jennifer with Becky and Nathan (Tim's sister and brother-in-law).

We're pooped out. Drew with his cousin Cooper.

Morningtime fun.

Group shots:
Just impossible to get everyone looking at the same time with this many people and kids. Oh well. Drew wasn't looking in this picture, but it was the best one of everyone else. Here we have Nathan, Becky, and Cooper on the left. Then, Merilyn and Ricky (Tim's Mom and Uncle), then us, then Jeremy, Jennifer, and Maddy. Next year, we'll have another Baby Holley in this clan. It will be so much fun to see how to fit everyone into this same picture as the years go by, and more and more kids are added. Good Times.

It was getting late, and Drew was getting quite tired. He was still trying his best to smile.

Well, the point was to see how long they all were for record keeping. But, Drew wasn't cooperative. So, we have an 8 month old, almost a 3 year old, and little over 2 year old.

We'll see how big they all are next year.


The Presnell's said...

I think your son is so handsome. We should schedule a play date if we are ever in each other's areas. :)

Unknown said...

SO cute! It looks like you all had a great trip. I always love looking at the pics from year to year. Take care!