Saturday, June 23, 2007

Me, 26 weeks

So, here's an updated picture of me and my big ole belly :). I swear, I'm huge. And, I was told to expect to double in size over the next 3 months. Seriously?? There's no room!!

Well, we have a first name - Andrew. We plan to call him Drew. We are still working on a middle name. We struggled enough with the first name, so we haven't been very motivated to find a middle name just yet. We will soon though.

Drew is growing just fine. We have a 4D ultrasound in a couple of weeks, so I'm very excited about that! The little joker moves around constantly. He just makes me laugh with some of the things he does. Sometimes, I look down at my belly, and the entire thing is shaking. It's like he's doing a dance in there or something. Mostly he just kicks, flips, and rolls, so this shaking thing is new and VERY funny.

I'm always wondering what he's thinking and doing. It's really bad when I'm trying to talk to someone at work, and he starts rolling around. I completely lose my train of thought and focus on my little baby.

I tried to listen to his heartbeat today, and he wanted no part of that. Everytime I put the microphone on my belly, he'd kick it. He doesn't seem to be a fan of people messing with him. He does the same thing at the DR office. Everytime the DR tried to hear his heart, he kicks at the device and tries to get away. Just makes me laugh.

I just can't believe that he'll be here in a few more months. We still have no idea how to take care of a baby, but I've bought about 10 books that I'm hoping will help :). I just wonder what he'll look like!!

Well, just wanted to give you an update. Everything's going great!


Anonymous said...


Drew is a really cute name! Guess what Jason's latest fascination is....BUCK Taylor...over my dead body. If and when I ever do get pregnant, I am praying for a girl so we don't have to have that argument for real!
You look so cute!! Congrats again and keep us all posted on how you are doing!


Rebecca said...

You look great! We can't wait to see you this weekend!