So, we have 10 days left until the due date. It's anyone's guess at this point when Drew will decide to make an appearance. We are hoping to at least make it until next week, since both Tim and I have TONS of work to complete before he arrives. And, we'd really like to have one more weekend together alone before the big day!!
We've spent the past 2 weekends getting the house ready, mostly cleaning out the "junk room". So, now the junk room is clean, Drew's room is ready, and all of the baby stuff has been assembled. The only thing we have left to do is install the car seats. So, we plan to do that this next weekend, unless Drew arrives sooner.
I'm still feeling fine. Or, as "fine" as one can feel and be this pregnant. Mostly just tired and uncomfortable more than anything else. Everyone keeps asking "when do you think you'll have him". Who knows? Even the DRs don't know. In this situation, only little Drew knows :). As much as he's still squirming around, you would think at some point he would get mad because he's out of room and decide it's time. But, we'll see.
I still haven't had this "nesting instinct" I keep hearing about. But, could it have skipped me and went to Tim instead? :) So, I don't know if nesting is a pre-req to delivery or not. If so, then we are no where near a delivery as of today. All I want to do is sleep, not clean.
I'm still at work - in some capacity anyway. I can be rather productive until about 2:00 or so, then I'm just beat and ready to go home. I'm still planning on being at work for a while. I know I'll be here all week this week, and next week just depends on what the DR says and how I'm feeling. But, I don't really have plans to leave early. For one, what would I do all day? I would be bored! For two, I have too much work to finish!!! So, we'll see.
Well, just wanted to give you all an update. We are still doing good. Tim is super busy and stressed, trying to wrap up important projects quickly before Drew is born. So, hopefully he'll get those finished. Otherwise, it's just like any other week for us. We'd better enjoy it. This could be the last days of quiet in the house :).
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